Have you ever been given the feedback that you need to “be more strategic”?
If I had a dollar for every time someone has given someone I coach that feedback, I wouldn’t need to be working any more.
What I’m going to talk about today is, if you’re ever given that feedback:
So you’ve been given the feedback you need to “be more strategic” and you don’t know what to do with it.
The biggest thing is most people when they mean “be more strategic” they’re really talking about doing things smarter to achieve results.
Some people actually just mean they want you to achieve your results but for most of the time, it’s “how do I be smarter in doing this”?
And here’s the reason why they’re giving you the feedback.
Because for most people they’ve built up a system around them.
They’ve got a team, a set of processes and systems that help them deliver weekly, monthly and quarterly goals in the present.
Okay, it all works and I think that’s great.
But then someone comes along and says,
“You know what, this person’s doing really well for now but where is the growth going to come from in the future? What foundations are they putting in place for that growth two or one, two or three years down the track?”
So here’s the thing, the first step is to look at that current system you’ve got and look at what you can take out of it because by freeing up part of the system you create space for the future.
And how do you do it?
It’s really thinking about
If you built this great team what things that you are not a genius at could you delegate to them?
What part could you outsource or what part of that system could you automate?
And then with this time what you do is start making plans for the foundations of things you need to put in place to deliver results one, two or three years down the track.
So if you ever get given the feedback “you need to be more strategic”
People Are Really Saying
Are you thinking about how to deliver results not just now but into the future and the way you do that is by freeing up some of your space now to step up and think about what you need to create, for them.
So if you’re a leader and you’ve been given that feedback you want to know how to make the jump to be more strategic.
I hope this has been really useful for you.
Talk to you next time on The Reason & The Road.