Since I’ve started my business, every 90 days I aim to outsource something that is not a strength of mine. Every time I do that, I take a step up. What I learned from that was that every one of my clients, every one of the leaders I coach, if I can help them every 90 days remove a roadblock to the way they lead, they over time, going to take these massive steps up. I’m going to share with you a framework for how you can remove a roadblock every 90 days so that you can massively lift your results.
Remove Roadblocks
People used to think that growth in a role and the way you’d develop in a role was a fairly even line from start to finish. You’d start with your current reality. At the end of a 12-month period, have an idea of what results you are after. It was just a matter of plodding along through the year and eventually, you get to the end.
I don’t know about you, but my life is not like that. Neither is development. Neither is the way we work on ourselves and improve ourselves. The reason is there are roadblocks or interferences we call them, that are stopping you getting to where you want to get to. Now the reason I do my coaching programs and we get groups of leaders together is because what we realise is every one of them has a unique reality. Every one of them in the 12-month period wants to achieve something with their team, and every one of them has things that are personally holding them back in their context.
What we do is we help them start from their reality and starting to make some change. As we help them remove a roadblock through coaching, their performance takes a step up. But then they reach a new plateau and they need to then work on the next roadblock so that their performance can lift again. So, it’s a whole series of new normals.
The reason that you invest in coaching a leader is because you want to accelerate this performance of them lifting up, of stepping up. Because so many leaders get asked to step up, but they don’t have a process or a program to enable them to do it.
I think my question to you is, “What’s one roadblock that you could address that would enable you to step up?” Not two, not three, not four. What’s one roadblock that you can address? If you need help doing this with a group of leaders, helping them step up so that actually helps you grow your business, helps you change your culture, helps you become a more sustainable business, get in touch. I can explain how we do this practically and how it works, and then start the finish process that we take people on.
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It’s been awesome working with you. Get out there and start working on your first roadblock and talk to you soon on The Reason & The Road.