Hey, how are you? Really quickly.
I’m just going to share with you the work I’ve been doing. I already got 3 or 4 clients that I’m supporting through the isolation, the cancellations, and the distractions that all this is causing.
I just want to share with you the latest tips that I’ve been giving clients. The reason why I’m sharing this with you is because this is how I’ve been doing most of my training in coaching is working with people, sharing the iPad, dealing with their challenges as they come up.
Survival Thinking
First thing I’ll be talking about is this, we have spent the last little period of time with our brain really focused on fear. Coping survival and what it does to your brain is it puts you in a mindset of rather creating, you just wanted to survive. That’s survival thinking.
I think it’s good to recognise that’s perfectly normal during this time and there are some things we need to do to protect our business.
And those that are gonna get through this also need to recognise that there’s going to be a period of time where we don’t need survival thinking, we’re gonna need creative thinking.
What I’m trying to do with this, with the program I built and the work I’m doing with clients, with teams and leadership teams is to see that there’s just the opportunity to get through this. It’s also creating opportunities, for eventually thriving as a result from all of this once you get through it.
The Challenges
Here are the four challenges that you need to overcome to be able to do that:
Instead of the team being distracted, what we want is actually give the team a focus. What I recommend is for you to be able to rather than just have one day, one-week plans, which is what people are mostly focused on the moment, is to start to have or build at least a 90 day or a quarterly view of where this is going and what the future looks likes, giving people that hope.
The final one is the way you lead, my tip here is that instead of managing inputs, time at desk, watching people entirely go on losing their ranks and just focus on monitoring outputs.
Many people are actually achieving because they are going to do that while looking after their needs or they are trying to educate their kids and other disruptions around them.
Leave me a comment or Get in Touch
I’m having this program because I want to help. I want to help leaders and I want to help businesses get through this. It happens over a 6-week period. I’m not going to go through all the details here. But if you want more information about how it works.
Just comment down below more details, and I will send you more details on how it works and hopefully, this helps you see how you can lead your business through this challenge.
Talk to you soon.